CBD Olie

Certified Partners

Here can you read about CBD oil and why CBD oil works so well on us humans (and animals)

The endocannabiode system is a biological system we have in the body and the human body has something called cannabiode receptors.
Cannabinoids are bio-chemical signals that bind to our receptors in the body and send messages to the brain and body.
The body has 2 kinds of cannabinoids CB1 and CB2 CB1 is distributed both in the body and the brain, but mostly in the Central System, which consists of the brain, brain stem, and spinal cord. They affect the various functions such as the amygdaia (the area of memory) and the hypothalamic area of i.a. appetite. CB1 settles on nerve endings in i.a. a. the spinal cord that sends receptors into every single part of the body and suppresses the feeling of pain and creates balance in the body. CB2 acts in our peripheral nervous system, among other things, our immune system and tells us which functions to initiate or slow down. CB2 reduces inflammation that is responsible for many of our diseases such as eczema, inflammation swelling and autoimmune diseases